Monday, April 19, 2010

Flowers by Estelle

3 Chenoweth Street


Phone 021 976 6910 Fax 021 976 8796

Cell 082 879 9911

We do Flowers for all occasions, birthdays, anniversaries, funerals, functions, weddings and more

We Deliver

Part of Interflora so we can send flowers Worldwide

Wedding April 2010

Kittie se Spens

Koekie tuisnywerheid in Mikpunt.

Wynand en Albertyn Van Wyk is die eienaars van die koekie bedryf.

Hierdie is ‘n gemeenskapsbedryf. Ons verskaf werk aan mense van ons gemeenskap, ons produkte is van uitstaande gehalte. Verskeidenheid van koekies en beskuit beskikbaar.

Ons verkoop regstreeks aan die publiek en is ook op soek na agente wat vir ons kan bemark teen groothandel pryse

084 575 1021

Mikpunt Nuus

Ek het my eerste paar vergaderings by die Polisie forum bygewoon en heelwat interessante mense ontmoet. Persoonlik dink ek dit is ‘n voorreg vir my om deel daarvan te wees, en kan nie glo dat iemand van Mikpunt ons nog nie verteenwoordig het nie.

My email list of residents in Mikpunt was forwarded to CAPTAIN GERHARD NIEMAND SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE TELEPHONE: 021 980 5500 E-MAIL: KRAAIFONTEINCOMM@SAPS.ORG.ZA as he deals with the public relations and he will, when necessary inform us via email of crime in the area or even warn us about criminals on the loose. If there is anything that you as a resident need to get on the agenda of this forum please contact me.

Joostenberg Vlakte opened up a Face book account; there the whole community speaks about their concerns and problems. They also established a neighbourhood watch because of ongoing crime in there area; this was done with the help of the Police. In the first week they arrested 2 suspects involving in housebreaking that was part of a bigger gang. I will open a page for us, if you want to be part of it send me your e-mail addresses.

Tracey I will speak to someone with more knowledge about trees and next month hopefully we can discus a tree that can work for you and your horses.

Gigi thank you for the kind words

I am back in a Florist where I belong. I am co-owner and Manager of Flowers by Estelle in Durbanville.

Tot volgende keer



Chestnut Street. Maryke 082 932 1379




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