April 2009 Issue 9
021 971 1237 072 879 9911
Dis Herfs, mens kan sommer die byt in die lug voel vroeg môre en na skemer . Die winter is op ons, dan kom die reën en modder en die koue. Soms weet ek nie of ek moet bly wees daar oor of nie. Ten minste gaan lê die stof dan en die tuine word nat.
Dalk gaan lê die wind ook so bietjie.
As enige van julle wil join in ons email gesprekke stuur vir my ‘’n e-pos en ek plaas jou op ons lys – wees gewaarsku dan kry jy al die nuus van Mikpunt goed en sleg.
Join in and you will learn to know the people of Mikpunt ,make friends and be informed about thing concerning the community
Meerkat Groete
Sê jou sê
To All Meerkat Readers
Thank you Charlotte for giving us the opportunity to speak our minds in the Meerkat.
We have been living in Klipheuwel for four years, and WOW how it’s changed in this short time – for the good, of cause.
I have something on my mind, so read carefully…
Horses and humans have lived and worked together for more than 5 000 years, with providing transport. Today, after losing the competition with motor transport, the horse is mostly used for sport and recreation.
Klipheuwel horse owners use our horses for recreation. There is nothing better after a long days work filled with stress and haste, to come home and have a nice relaxing out ride. “Die laaste ding waarvoor jy op daardie oomblik lus is”, is to have a fight with a inconsiderate motorist.
Daar was al verskye voorvalle, waar motorriste net nie vir jou en v
eral die perd in ag neem nie. Hulle jaag verby, party blaas toeter as ons nie gou genoeg uit die pad beweeg nie. Wat mense nie verstaan nie, is dat perde nie motorfietse met brieke, ‘handelbars’ en ‘gears’ is nie. Daar is nie ‘n ‘reverse gear’ en definitief ook nie ‘n sleutel om die ‘engine’ af te skakel nie. Elke perd het sy eie persoonlikheid, party van hulle het glad nie ‘n probleem met voertuie ens nie, waar ander weer verskriklik senuweagtig is. Party van die ruiters is nie so ervare nie en sukkel en leer nog hul perde ken. Daar is parykeer kinders wat saamry.
Ons het nou al die houding ingeneem om wel in die middel van die pad te ry, sodat motoriste hulle spoed moet verminder en dan moet hul stadig verby ons beweeg.
Ons moet ongelukkig van die paaie gebruik maak om by die areas te kom waar ons kan uitry, so ons vra groot asseblief, wees net so klein bietjie meer bedagsaam, verdraagsaam en gun ander ook hul plesier.
‘For some people, horses become a time-consuming passion for life, some say an obsession, but if any animal deserves it, it is the horse. If you can find the perfect partnership then your life will be richer.’
Happy riding.
Conserned Rider, Parent and Animal Lover
Dames oggend / Ladies morning
Ek wil graag al Mikpunt se dames uitnooi vir ‘’n koppie tee of koffie by Swaanswijk die 16 de April om 9 uur. Net ‘’n lekker bymekaarkom om mekaar te ontmoet.
I know there is quite a number of lady’s at home during the daytime and this is to introduce you to each other. Each and everyone is welcome, come and join us, meet each other , make friends. Bring you kids with there is space for them to play.
Confirm with Charlotte at 021 971 1237 or Maryke 082 932 1379
I will remind everyone via email (if I got yours) nearer to the time.
I would really like to see all of you there, if anyone’s interested in having breakfast or a snack there Maryke’s kitchen will be open and a menu available.
Snakes Rescue
When you need help with a snake, feel free to phone Derek or Jacques to remove the snake from your property, free of charge! They will take the snake to a safe place, away from residential properties and free it again. Our aim is to get people not to kill snakes, most people kill it just because it’s a snake and might be harmful to humans.
Landline 021 971 1237 cell 072 879 9911
Rescues of the last month
Aurora - Maryke
Scorpion – Mark
Aurora - Aneke and Stevens bath with 3 mice
Please take note that it’s the end of the breading season for snakes, juvenile snakes to be seen everywhere. The aurora house snake in particular has been spotted in several areas, the aurora is a beautiful yellow snake as juvenile, do not mistake it for a cobra-geelslang and kill it.. It is harmless to humans it feeds on rodents, in specific nestlings / pinkies.
Good advice if you have a snake in your house and want someone to remove it, through a heavy blanket or cloth on it, it will feel save and stay there, do not try to remove it if you cant identify the specie, it might be dangerous to man. Keep in mind snakes do not know they are entering a home to them its just part of their habitat ,a nice cool place where normally there is water and quite often food. A few times that we removed snakes at night in houses there were mice or frogs around.
Blind ,Worm Snake, Delalande Beaked Blind snake, Rhinotypholops Ialandi, Potslangetjie
Adult average is 25-30 cm but may reach 35cm. A slender snake with a cylindrical body, has a beaked snout and it scales on the back are yellowed-edged.
Colour Above, uniform pale to dark slate or grey-brown. Each scale is pale-edged, producing a chequered effect. The belly is pink-grey to straw yellow or sometimes paler with
only patches of straw yellow to pink-grey. The young are flesh coloured
Habitat is fynbos, grassland and moist savanah Individuals may be found in soil under rocks or logs or pots in the garden, or on the surface at night, especially after rain.
Enemy’s other snakes , especially the Spotted Harlequin Snake
Food /feeding Invertebrates, including termites.
Danger to man None
Herbs / Medicinal Plants
“Plants of which the leaves or stems and leaves are used for medicine, or for their scent or flavor” Herbs have a variety of uses including culinary, medicinal, or in some cases even spiritual usage. General usage differs between culinary herbs and medicinal herbs. In medicinal or spiritual use any of the parts of the plant might be considered "herbs", including leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, resin, root bar
k, inner bark (cambium), berries and sometimes the pericarp or other portions The information contained within this articles merely recounts the traditional uses of specific plants as recorded through history. Always seek advice from a medical practitioner. The Mikpunt Meerkat and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants or documentation provided.
Wilde Roosmaryn, Kapokbossie, Eriocephalus-spesies
Verskeie klein Eriocephalus-spesies van die Compositae-familie met klein aromatiese blare en sade toegewikkel in bolletjies geurige wol.Half geharde immergroen struik word 1 meter in hoogte en breete.Klein wit blommetjies met geel binneste.Klein silver grys vetplantagtige blaartjies, reflekteur sonlig om sodoende die plant koel te hou.
Medisinale gebruike, om mense te laat sweet en die vloei van urien te verbeter – partykeer vir verkoue en koliek,: word ook as haarwasmiddels gebruik en vir die beheer van skilfers. “’n Aftreksel van die blare en takkies word gewoonlik gebruik. Word ook gebruik as voet spa vir geswelde bene en voete, ook as voetbad vir vertraagde mensturasie.Die blare word gebruik om vleis mee te geur, ’n tinktuur vir hartprobleme en watersug.
Dit is maklik om te plant van saad, dit kom wild voor in ons omgewing. Jul kan dit uitken aan die wit, katoenagtige bolletjies na blom tyd. Vandaar die volksnaam Kapok bossie dit lyk soos kapok/sneeu . Die kapok /wollerige saadomhulsels word gepluk en kussings word daarmee gestop. Na blomtyd kan dit trug gesnoei
word ,dit kan ook maklik in ‘’n bal vorm gesny word.
Die grysagtige kleur verleen om ‘’n interesante kleur verandring aan ‘’n normal groen tuin.
This months Reminder
If you want your relationship with someone to Blossom, then surprise them with an unexpected gift. Watch and see how appreciative they will be.
Green Corner / Groen Hoekie
Tree: Cape Chestnut, Calodendrum capense, Wilde Kastaiing
It is a tall, well-formed, semi-deciduous tree, losing leaves in a cold or dry winter. It has spectacular flowers, large pink, with long, narrow, curved petals. They cover the tree in midsummer, making it easy to identify.
The fruits are no less striking – large ,woody capsules with a knobbly texture, like the edible chestnut. When mature they split, revealing a mass of large, black seeds fitting together like a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle.
This tree is host to beautiful swallowtail butterflies, notably Papillio demodocus, P.nireus and P.ophidicephalus.
Propagation by seeds
Caledendrum is well worth growing for its flowers and shade. First flowering will occur at about six years.
I saw one it for the first time over the December holidays a few years back in Kirstenbosch, what a spectacular sight, I fell in love with it and have ever since been looking for one, not even Kirstenbosch nursery has one, so if any one can help me obtain one please please help. Perhaps I must go back to the gardens and collect some seeds, may be worth while.
Plant: Stapelia leendertziae, Velvet stapelia, Fluweel aasblom
This genus of low growing succulents is native to the arid areas of the country. A branched species with stems up to 200 mm long. The star shaped flowers are borne on short, thick, leafless stems and have interesting colours and markings. The remarkable flowers are large and purplish brown, especially on the inside. There are also purple hairs on the inside and it has a very unpleasant smell. (Vanwaar die afrikaanse volks naam Aasblom) Some species have a putrid smell that attracts insects and flies for pollination. The stems are green and carry out the metabolic function of the leaves.
They make perfect rockery plants, water them sparingly. Propagation is mainly from cuttings Stems can easily be removed from the parent plant. Can be propagated from seeds.
Magriet of plot 151 invited me the other day to come over to see her big Stapelia in flower, unfortunately I couldn’t make it and their flowers only last a day or two. After visiting here a few days later, flower dead by that time, coming home I saw mine in full bloom. Thanks Magriet I would have missed it if you didn’t make me attent of it blooming now.
Magriet het ‘n indrukwekkende kennis van plante en het ‘n groot liefde vir vetplante en klein alwyntjies. Sien nog ‘n rede vir jul almal om die vroue oggend by te woon, dan kan julle haar ook ontmoet.
Uit Johan se Pen
Sedert Muriel vir my geskryf het, het ek nog niks verder van enige inwoner verneem nie en is derhalwe aangewese op my eie gebrekkige talente. Ek sal dus maar weer oor die verkiesing skryf en die Munisipalitiet bietjie aanval.
Ek sien die ander dagdie munisipaliteit verf weerd die word ”STOP” waar die grond pad eindig en merk die verwers spesialiseer nou. Hulle het ses mense nodig vir hierdie takie – een vir elke letter, een vir die stukkie geel streep. So ‘’n paar jaar gelede moes die munisipaliteit ‘’n stukkie muur voor my huis bou – hulle kom in drie voertuie en met nege mense en bou toe 27 stene vas – dit is een mens vir elke drie stene en een voertuig vir elke nege stene – geen wonder ons belasting is belaglik hoog nie.
Wat die verkiesing betref, ek verstaan Claude Ipser het vir almal gesê dat die verkiesing weer by Auction House gaan wees – dit is verkeerd, mense ons gaan by die Silos oor die pad stem.
Ek wil ook net almal aanmoedig om te gaan stem – maak nie saak vir wie jy voel om te stem nie,doen dit net.
Ek was nie op die vergadering by die skool nie, kan iemand net miskien ‘’n stukkie in die koerant plaas oor wat daar vermag is?
Groete tot volgende maand
Horse Riding Lessons
Learn to ride lessons, for adults and children
Classes starting in March 2009
4 – 13 years R50 ± 30min
13 – 16 years R65 30 min
Not heavier than 90kg
17 years and up R75 45 min
Contact Me on
082 741 0991
Floral creations by
Charlotte and "The Crew”
021 971 1237 0728799911
Beautiful custom designed floral arrangements for Weddings and Functions. We specialize in wedding flowers and décor. With my experience I can enhance your ideas and create the perfect look for your big day. I can work in a budget with pleasure.Contact me for a free quote.
Swaanswijk Party Services
We can provide you with everything for a party/event at home from catering, decor to flowers.
We do kiddies party’s - at your home or we can provide the venue.
(Farm Yard Parties).
Hiring service
Trestle Tables, Chairs, Candle stands, glass vases, decor items, guest list stand, confetti holders, Cast iron crosses, Gazebo’s, Arch, back drop drapes, fairy lights, small fish bowls candle holders, ext
Cutlery, knifes forks, spoons, dinner plates, side plate, cups sauces, glasses, white table cloths ext
Everything you need for a function or party right here in Mikpunt. Free delivery in Mikpunt.
Variety of Catering menus available on request
Maryke at 082 932 1379 or Charlotte at 072 879 9911
Mark of Leather
Good as new!
Professional Tanning
Recolouring of leather 15 Years Experience
Mark – 083 732 2561
markofleather.com markpofleather@live.co.uk
Emergency number /Nood nommers
Police | 10111 emergencies 021 970 3811 Durbanville 021 980 5533 Kraaifontein |
Fire Department | 021 970 3107 |
Ambulance | 10177 |
Tygerberg Hospital ( Snake bites) | 021 931 6129 |
Free Listing of businesses
Arum Farm home school | 082 808 2280 | 021 9711 112 | Farm School |
Avroy Shlain | 084 592 7913 | Melanie | Beauty Products |
Bavaria Air | 082 4444 317 | Marius | Air-condition |
Blind Wise | 083 539 4237 | Steven | Blinds installed |
BOBCAT for Hire | 084 616 5033 | Ronel | Earthmoving |
C J Coetzee Industries | 083 251 6268 | 078 478 3494 | Paving painting renovations ext |
Cash for Gold | 072 453 5052 | Sonja | I Pay Cash for Gold |
CL Nail Creation | 082 368 9046 | Cindy-Lee | Nails |
Flowerheart | 072 879 9911 | 021 9711237 | Wedding Flowers |
Hemingway Real Estate | 084 359 0745 | Isabel | Resident Agent |
Hip Vibe | 072 3991 765 | Martie | Vibe Crete make over |
Horse Riding | 082 741 0991 | | Horse riding Lessons |
Klipheuwel Air-conditioning | 084 592 7897 | Eugene | Air-conditioning |
Maid to Sparkle | 076 683 9328 | | House cleaning Service |
Mark of Leather | 083 732 2561 | Mark | Re-colouring of leather suites ext |
My Way cafe | 072 478 3494 | Trudy | Groceries ext. |
Painting and Paving | 078 478 3494 | Trudy | Paint |
Patchindigo photography | 072 682 8845 | Juan Voges | Family portrays, weddings |
Paving and Rock pools | 083 763 0681 | Kobie | Paving / Rock pools |
Professional Bookkeeping | 078 341 3250 | Merle | Bookkeeping |
River Reed Paper | 021 971 1428 | Amy & Tom | Hand made paper |
Satellite, Sound / Computers | 084 625 2468 | Gerrit Pienaar | Installation |
Sunshine House | 078 341 3250 | 021 975 6633 | Baby safe house Ray |
Swaanswijk Wegneem etes | 0829321379 | Maryke | Wegneem etes |
Talisman plant & Tool Hire | 082 924 7460 | 021 5554834 | Plant & Tool Hire |
Xenobs Projects | 082 585 3047 | Gielie | Building |