Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mikpunt Meerkat Issue 11 June 2009



 Hierdie nuusbrief is vol spelfoute, grammatika foute, soms ‘n skelwoord of 2,maar altyd met goeie bedoelings, en uit die hart. Ek is nie ‘n letterkundige of redakteur nie, sommer net iemand wat Mikpunt se belange op die ha

rt dra. Personal vendettas or rude and harmful things will not be published, as this is a newsletter with positive news that concerns our community

June 2009                                                       Issue 11

 021 971 1237           072 879 9911  



The winter is in full swing, the rain, the storms and the cold, time for a “lekker kaggelvuur” andsome good red wine, or a nice Sherry for the ones who prefer something sweeter. This year the rain came early and we could probablyalso expect the floodsearlier too. It’s according to me one of the highlights in Mikpunt, the get together on the river bank when it is in flood.

Potjiekos Kompetisie


           Swaanswijk Saterdag 27 Junie 2009

Inskrywing R50.00 Maksimum 20

            1st prys Staal Braai geborg deur Mario Steel

                 2de Prys Kis wyn geborg deur Die Spookhuis

                              3 de prys Kis bier geborg deur Pieter van Swaanswijk

    Papier borde en rys geborg deur Maryke van Swaanswijk

Spot pryse! ! ! ! ! !

Stalletjies vir die verkoop van produkte beskikbaar teen R25.00

Kontak Maryke by 082 932 1379

Mikpunt Nuus


Daar was nie veel nuus die afgelope maand nie. Dis goed vir ons omgewing as mense hulle plekke opgradeer. Ek sien Klipspringer Kafee het so bietjie verander, baie nice Aletta, glo dis baie beter vir jou dat jou kliënte nou tot by die kafee kan loop, en natuurlik is jou nuwe winkel assistent ook ’n pluspunt ( ha-ha sal mos so sê van my sus). Jy sal maar moet kom kuier dat ek vir jou ook ’n paar plantjies kan gee vir jou nuwe tuin.


The street names were put up on Friday 29 May, isn’t it wonderful, now we only need the council to give us numbers to go with that. I live in Magnolia Street, not to shabby would have loved it if they were indigenous tree names. In this time, with the whole world, thinking green, going g

reen and organic, one assumed that our people in the council would think the same.  But "gedane sake het nie keer" so we have to make the best. of it and enjoy the benefits of having street names. It was always a mission to give directions, now it would be much easier. I know there were

 people upset about it being in English but it was a council decision and unfortunately nobody in our community was involved, a pity, but that’s how it was.

Mikpunt Greetings


 Herbs / Medicinal Plants

 “Plants of which the leaves or stems and leaves are used for medicine or for their scent or flavor”. Herbs have a variety of uses

 including culinary, medicinal, or in some cases even spiritual usage. General usage differs between

 culinary herbs and medicinal herbs. In medicinal or spiritual use any of the parts of the plant might be considered "herbs", including leaves, roots

, flowers, seeds, resin, root bark, inner bark (cambium), berries and sometimes the pericarp or other portions The information contained within this articles  merely recounts the traditional uses of specific plants as recorded through history. Always seek advice from a medical practitioner. The Mikpunt Meerkat and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants or documentation provided.


Aloe Ferox, Bitteraalwyn, Riversdal Aloe, Tap or Kransaalwyn.



This is perhaps the best known of all aloes- it grows naturally in the Riversdale / Swellendam districts in the Southern Cape.  It is from this aloe that aloe juice is obtained from.


It’s a robust, single stemmed plant, usually 2 meters high, but up to 5 m in older plants. The leaves are dull green to greyish green and broad. Like most aloes turn reddish in colour under drought stress. Dark brown spines are present along the edges and persistent on the lower parts of the stem.

The flowers are usually bright orange-red, but bright red, yellowish and even white

 forms are found.


Aloe ferox is used for medical products known as Cape Aloes. There are some of Lennon products that use it as Lewensessens, Helmonts-kruie-Dm.


Aloe bitters may also be processed to obtain pure aloin or aloesin, a chromone derivate. The latter has application in the cosmetics industry as a natural skin –lighter, especially in Japan. It inhibits the formation of melanin in the skin.


Some aloes got more gel as others but most of them help for skin problems, insect bites, and burns and even for dry skin.

I had a problem with my Jack Russell. He had a scratch on his front paw and it was there for months I tried everything,

 neighbours gave medicines and it just didn’t heal as he was always licking it, so I tried aloe gel- from the garden and after a

 week it was healed.

Aloe bitters is still listed in modern pharmacopoeias as a laxative medicine. It should

 not be taken continuously for long periods and is known to be unsuitable for use during pregnancy or while breast feeding.


There are 2 Companies that I know of that have a whole range of aloe products such as hand creams, foam bath and shampoos.

Aloe Ferox in Albertinia 028 735 2504

And Alcare Aloe

Snakes Rescue

When you need help with a snake, feel free to phone Derek or Jacques to remove the snake 

from your property, free of charge!  They will take the snake to a safe place, away from residential properties and free it again.  Our aim is to get people not to kill snakes; most people kill it just because it’s a snake and might be harmful to humans.

Landline 021 971 1237    Cell 072 879 9911


Rescues of the last month

Cape Cobra ± 1m long Derek Dirks – Derek het die cobra vir 2 ure opgepas terwyl

ek my troue klaargemaakhet sodat ons die slang kon kom vang en verwyder. Ek moet sê dit was vir my nogal stresvol om so ‘n aggresiewe, gevaarlike slang in aksie te

sien. Aan die twee Derek’s moet ek sê, sjoe julle isdapper/moedig/onverskrokke, en welgedaan aan Derek Dirks vir sygeduld,' n ander sou lankal moed opgegee het en die slang doodgemaak het.Die foto is nou nie baie duidelik nie, maar soos Derek sê sy fotograaf is ‘n bang gat, my ma het my geleer - eerder bang Jan as dooie Jan – so!


Aurora huisslang                           Macey

Molslang                                          Maryke

Slak-eter                                         Micey omdat hul so goed vir die tuin is en totaal onskadelik het ons hom daar gelos

Boomslang, Dispholidus typus Tree snake

When alarmed the boomslang is likely to slither away through the forest at lightning speed. However, this back-fanged species must be treated with great respect, for its strong, slow-acting poison is potentially lethal. When cornered, the snakes will inflate its neck and, if further molested, will strike out. The venom causes severe 

internal bleeding.

The boom slang’s camouflage is excellent suited to its arboreal habitat. Perhaps no other snake species has such a wide colour range – from light to dark brown, from bright leaf-green to olive green, and from mottled black to uniform black. The underpants are always lighter and are often tinged with yellow. Lying almost invisible along the branch of a tree, the snake will wait, immobile, for long periods for its favoured prey.  Its food consists of chameleons, lizards, frogs and birds; it’s also forages on the ground under the trees but will always return to a tree to consume its food.

Average size of a boomslang is 1 to 1.5 meters in length. They are widely spread in the Western Cape but prefer the wetter parts to the drier parts. They are widely spread elsewhere in the country wherever there are trees and shrubs. The boomslang has large eyes and rougher body scales than the green mamba, thus the way to distinguish them from the green mamba

Green Corner / Groen Hoekie                     

Aangesien dit nou tyd is dat die aalwyne orals blom behandel ek die maand Aalwyne, Die Boomaalwyn en medisinaal. Die Aloe Ferox. Ons het ’n besondere liefde vir aalwyne, daarmee sê ek glad n

ie dat ons kenners is nie, dis vir ons maar heel moeilik om aalwyne uit te ken, selfs met ’n boek in die hand. Ons bewonder altyd mense wat plante sommer so uit die vuis op hul botanies name noem. Ons is sommer net lief vir dié vet doringplante.


Aloe Barberae, Boomaalwyn, Tree Aloe, Mikaalwyn, inKalane enkulu (Zoeloe meaning the big one)


National tree number is 28. Plants occur as solitary, much-branched trees of UP to 18 m high and could form trunks of UP to 3m in diameter. Branching is either two- or three-forked. The bark of the trunks is grayish brown and rough to touch. The leaves are deeply channeled and recurved.

This is the only aloe with orangey-pink flowers. Aloe Barberae is the larges of all aloes.

This aloe is essentially a forest dweller and favor dense, tall bush and low forest. They naturally occur from East London in the Eastern Cape northwards through KwaZulu-Natal, 

Swaziland and Mpumalanga to southern and central Mozambique.

Plants will grow in almost any climate and soil type. They should be protected against severe frost and drought.  It is easily cultivated and can be propagated by cuttings or truncheons.

They grow very well in Mikpunt I have one in my garden and 

a saw quite a big one in Sophia’s garden. But unfortunately mine and hers got the aloe rust. Aloe rust is caused by rust fungus that leaves black spots on the upper and lower leaf surface of aloe plants. Unfortunately, treatment with systemic fungicides is rarely very effective. The best way to address the problem is to cut away the diseased leaves and to improve the vigour of the plants by regularly feeding and watering. I have tried to get rid of the fungus by cutting all the leaves and it still got the same problem.  At this stage I am trying to feed it as often as possible to see if it would outgrow the sickness, as this is alternative advice given to me. If someone can perhaps advise me on how to get rid of it, I would appreciate it, as I see it’s spreading to some of my other aloes.

 Advertising Info        For all our old advertisers we will keep the old rates for the following 6 months. Make use of this offer as we are expanding our delivery area month by month, starting with Philadelphia and Kalbaskraal.

Business listings are free of charge (business name contact number type of business)

Publication the first week of every month, adds must be submitted before the 29th of each month With a 6-month contract (paid upfront) - you get 6 publications but pay for 5

Adverts cost as follow                       

                                                         First publication                                    There after

Small            (5cm x 5cm)                     40.00                                               30.00

Medium        (5cm x 12cm)                                       70.00                                                60.00

Half page     (10cm x 12cm)                                     130.00                                             110.00

Full page     (19cm x 12cm)                                     220.00                                             200.00

Front Page  (10cm x 12cm)                                     300.00

Back Page   (19cm x12cm)                                     400.00

Churches, Schools and other welfare organizations (MEC

 Ministries) are half price


Radioweg 213


Maryke: 082 932 1379


Take-a-ways and snacks daily, phone for menu or mail us

Etes en lekker happies daagliks beskikbaar.  Skakel gerus. Aflewering in Klipheuwel ingesluit

Bekostigbare funksies, Klein of Groot funksies by jou huis of elders

Affordable catering, functions, setting up of tables, chai

rs etc.

We offer:




RENTING of decor and
 catering items 


Floral creations by

Charlotte k “The Crew”

021 971 1237                                0728799911

Beautiful custom designed floral arrangements for Weddings and Functions.  We specialize in wedding flowers and décor. With my experience I can enhance your ideas and create the perfect look for your big day. I can work in a budget with pleasure.

 Contact me for a free quote.


This months Reminder

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome – Samuel Johnson

Mark of Leather

                                Good as new!                                Professional Tanning

Recolouring of leather        
15 Years Experience

Mark – 083 732 2561

markofleather.com                      markpofleather@live.co.uk 

Emergency number /Nood nommers


10111 emergencies

021 970 3811 Durbanville

021 980 5533 Kraaifontein

Fire Department

021 970 3107



Tygerberg Hospital ( Snake bites)

021 931 6129


Free Listing of businesses


Arum Farm home school

082 808 2280

021 9711 112

Farm School

Avroy Shlain

084 592 7913


Beauty Products

Bavaria Air

082 4444 317



Blind Wise

083 539 4237


Blinds installed

BOBCAT for Hire

084 616 5033



C J Coetzee Industries

083 251 6268

078 478 3494

Paving painting renovations ext

Cash for Gold

072 453 5052


I Pay Cash for Gold

CL Nail Creation

082 368 9046




072 879 9911

021 9711237

Wedding Flowers

Hemingway Real Estate

084 359 0745


Resident Agent

Hip Vibe

072 3991 765


Vibe Crete make over

Horse Riding

082 741 0991


Horse riding Lessons




Internet connection

Kids Parties

021 971 1237

072 879 9911

Farm Yard Parties

Klipheuwel Air-conditioning 

084 592 7897



Maid to Sparkle

076 683 9328


House cleaning Service

Mark of Leather

083 732 2561


Re-colouring of leather suites ext

My Way cafe

072 478 3494

021 971 1257

Groceries ext.

Painting and Paving

078 478 3494



Patchindigo photography

072 682 8845

Juan Voges

Family portrays, weddings

Paving and Rock pools

083 763 0681


 Paving  / Rock pools

Professional Bookkeeping

078 341 3250



River Reed Paper

021 971 1428

Amy & Tom

Hand made paper

Satellite, Sound / Computers

084 625 2468

Gerrit Pienaar


Sunshine House

078 341 3250

021 975 6633

Baby safe house Ray

Swaanswijk Catering

082 932 1379                            

Maryke van Wijk


Talisman plant & Tool Hire

082 924 7460

021 5554834

Plant & Tool Hire

Xenobs Projects

082 585 3047



Green Corner – Bulbs


Babiana rubrocyanea, Kelkiewyn or Rooiblou-bobbejaantjie


This beauty is part of the Iris family, 100 x 100 mm.

Bobejaantjies are cormous plants with strongly ribbed, slightly hairy leaves. They have showy, cup-shaped flowers with bright blue petals with red centers. It is definitely one of the most striking species.


Species of this genus are probably among the best known smaller cormous plants in the Iris family. They grow wild in the south-western Cape, their star-shaped flowers appears in spring in a wild range of colours, often blue with contrasting centers. Their solid, hairy strong ribbed leaves are very distinctive.


They grow from seed and corns. They are ideal for rockeries and thrive in full sun. They would do the best in compost rich soil, but will tolerate poor soil. Plant the corns approximately 200 mm apart. Very good plants for containers on a patio.


If not mistaken I have seen them last spring in the veld behind us on the Kliprug Farm. I will definitely look out for them this year and make sure whether I correctly identified this species.

This time of the year a lot of our indigenousness bulb plants emerge, look out for them in the veldt around us. You will be amazed to see how many are around. Perhaps we can organize a walk in the veld in spring time and start a data base of all the species.

I stumbled on a blog page of a guy that takes pictures of birds on Klipheuwel check it out, quite interesting to

 know that someone would take the trouble to drive out here only to take pictures of our birds, are there any birdwatchers in Mikpunt, please share your info with us. Yet another thing we can start here, a bird watching group. http://www.hardaker.co.za/blog290707.htm


This is a photo of a Spotted Eagle owl that we rescued on a stormy night, we raised her, taught her to hunt on her own and set her free.  We still see her from time to time, or we hope that it is her.


Farm Yard Kiddies Parties

 Kinderpartytjies in ‘n Plaasatmosfeer

Jungle gym, pony rides, feeding of animal etc.


Very exciting themes

Boemelaars/hobos- Your party box will be a bundle on a stick to carry over your shoulder

Cowboys and girls

Fairies and elves – decorate your own cup cake

Hiking trail / Picnic - for the not so young we can go on a short hiking trail next to the river and have a picnic there in the veld.

High tea - For a bit more we can do a proper fancy high tea, we leave out the meal and set the table with all fancy cup cakes, sweeties, chocolate truffles etc. To drink we will have juice and ice tea. (If preferred we can have tea or coffee too)

…and more - pirates, Witches/Horror, Winnie, Brads, and Indians etc.

If possible we will accommodate your ideas.


R55.00 per child


A choice of meals

Ø      Mini Hamburger and baked chippies

Ø      Mini Hotdogs and baked chippies

Ø      Chicken strips and baked chippies


Party box with sweeties and goodies, including a juice

You can provide your own birthday cake or contact us for a custom baked theme cake

Minimum of 10 kids

Duration of party is 2 hours

Deposit or R200.00 required

Adults are welcome at R8.50 per adult; includes tea and coffee self service.

Snacks can be ordered in advance - Phone or mail us for price and availability (cakes, milk tarts, quiche etc) you are welcome to bring your own cool drink and ice, all cutlery, glasses etc will be provided.

 Charlotte                021 971 1237               072 879 9911