Mikpunt Nuus
Surely by now about everyone in Mikpunt knows about the tented camp for the Fifa World Cup next year. Well, for those of you that might not know about it, Mrs. Kieswetter of Erf 120/48 Wild Plum Road is planning to have a tented camp for next year’s World Cup. According to their website there will be 144 tents, with facilities like an ablution, tented entertainment area , office and tourism center, commercial center, parking area and pick-up zone.
Most residents that are aware of this weighed up the pros and cons about the camp. Some for, and some against it but, just about everybody had something to say about the impact on our road. For more info visit their website.
Die Potjiekos Kompetisie was ’n reuse sukses, ek hoop daar sal veel meer sulke byeenkomste hier in Mikpunt wees. Laat daai kreatiewe breine werk, en dink aan iets oorspronkliks mense.
Mikpunt Greetings
Hallo dear friend of the Ray of Sunshine House
Another month has come & gone. All is well in our home and we have had one new addition to our family. 2 month old Zadene was brought to our home at 02h50 on Saturday 27 June. He is so cute and has already settled in quite nicely.
This month was the first month without my car and it has been an extremely difficult month. I just could get everywhere I needed to be, taking the little ones to the clinic or for supervised parental visits has become very difficult, if not almost impossible.
It was also a month of many very special blessings. Firstly I would like to thank our friends from Germany - Dr Frank & Ute Broehl for their continuous support and the huge shipment of clothing, toys, nappies & baby toiletries, also to OKE for bringing the shipment here at their costs. Ute has also send a large amount of wedding dresses & evening dresses which we are going to use to start a small bridal hire business, thus creating 1) a job for someone & 2) continuous income for our home. THANK YOU!
To Nerine, the staff & Management of Forward Slash a HUGE thank you for the HUGE AWESOME blessing of clothing, toiletries, nappies & groceries. Words can't really express our gratitude. To Sheila, Ilse, Andri & Nico thank you for your financial support, without it our task would be so much harder to do.
Our home is currently filled to capacity with 11 children. It does get a bit chaotic, especially during the rainy days, but it is also a blessing to know that we can impact these children's lives & ultimately also their children etc. We are excited to celebrate Joshua & Thandi's birthdays in July and I really want to thank them because they sacrifice so much in order to help other less fortunate children. God really blessed me with special children Chloe & Joshua really takes every child that comes into our home and make them part off our family, and even though they know that they could have had so much more & better quality off life, they wholeheartedly support our work with the children and so wonderfully share their parents with these little ones that doesn't have. We will also celebrate little Marvin's birthday before he goes back after the school holidays, as he will not be with us for his birthday. (in August). Our holiday plans had to be put aside as there is no car to take the kids out on outings, but we do believe that this is only a season and that soon we will be able to carry on as planned.
Again thank you so much to all off you that carry us in your prayers.
I would also like to thank every single one who made my birthday so special on this past Monday. It was so nice to be treated & blessed.
Be blessed and be a blessing!
Merle Ray & Kids of the Ray of Sunshine House
Snakes Rescue
When you need help with a snake, feel free to phone Derek or Jacques to remove the snake from your property, free of charge! They will take the snake to a safe place, away from residential properties and free it again. Our aim is to get people not to kill snakes; most people kill it just because it’s a snake and might be harmful to humans.
Landline 021 971 1237 Cell 072 879 9911
Rescues of the last month
Die enigste slangetjie wat ons gekry het die maand was die baba molslangetjie wat Johantjie Van Wijk onder ’n klip by die potjiekos kompetisie ontdek het. Sommer ’n goeie geleentheid gewees om al die kindertjies te leer van slange en die gevare daarom.
Bitis Arietans - Puff adder, Pofadder
A large, sluggish, thick-bodied snake that rarely exceeds a metre in length. Colouration is varied and ranges from dull grey with barely discernable markings through to light brown with yellow and white chevron markings.
Responsible for many bites as this snake relies on its camouflage for protection and does not move off readily when approached. Thus it is often stepped upon.
The venom is potently cytotoxic and a bite from it is a fairly serious medical emergency. It may take hours before symptoms start to develop.
Pressure bandage and transport patient to the nearest large medical facility.
Nog 'n bietjie groen
Aristea Ecklonii
Blue stars, Blousterre,
Wat ’n groot lekkerte as jy na jare ’n plant se naam ontdek, ek het hiedie plant 4 jaar terug gekoop by ’n kwekery in Kuilsrivier op ’n uitgooi tafel. Niemand daar kon dit vir my identifiseer nie. Magdaleen het vir my ’n boek geleen en waarlik daar kry ek die blou blommetjie plant daar in. Baie dankie Magdaleen sommer ’n klomp oulike goed daarin gekry wat ek nooit geweet het nie.

Beskrywing en gebruike
Hierdie plant met se lang lelie-agtige blare (amper soos die wilde iris) dra die pragtigste fyn blou sterretjies op lang stele in die somer . Blomtyd is Oktober tot Desember. Plant dit onder ’n koelteboom en dit sal jou ’n see van blou sterretjies gee. Die blousterre hou nie daarvan om gesteur te word nie, hul verkies om so lank moontlik onversteurd gelaat te word. Hul is ’n ideale grondbedekker en ’n aanwins vir ’n voëlvriendelike tuin. Hul blare- en saad-stel vorm ’n ideale deklaag op die grond waar insekte kan skuil en sodoende voëls lok. Voëls soos die Jan Fredrik, Kaapse Tiptol en vele meer skrop tussen die deklaag op soek na insekte.
Tradisioneel is die plant gebruik vir verkoues en inwendige sere. Dit word ook gereken as ’n gelukbringer (good luck charm)
Deur saad of die verdeel van die plant. As die plant verdeel word plant onmiddellik moenie dit in die son los om te verdroog nie, geen van die Aristea families van steurings nie. .Daarom verkies hul om indien moontlik vir altyd op een plek te staan. Oes saad, is van die droë saadpeule na blomtyd. Hou sade dop sodra dit droog is bars dit oop en versprei dit self die saad. Saai saad in pannetjie en verplant as dit so 10cm hoog is Dit verkies oggend son, sal goed aard naby water (nie ‘n noodsaaklikheid nie) en in koelte want dis waar dit in die natuur groei.
Advertising Info
For all our old advertisers we will keep the old rates for the following 6 months. Make use of this offer as we are expanding our delivery area month by month, starting with Philadelphia and Kalbaskraal.
Business listings are free of charge (business name contact number type of business)
Publication the first week of every month, adds must be submitted before the 20th of each month
With a 6-month contract (paid upfront) - you get 6 publications but pay for 5
Adverts cost as follow First publication There-after
Small (5cm x 5cm) 40.00 30.00
Medium (5cm x 12cm) 70.00 60.00
Half page (10cm x 12cm) 110.00 100.00
Full page (19cm x 12cm) 200.00 180.00
Front Page (10cm x 12cm) 200.00
Back Page (19cm x 12cm) 300.00
Churches, Schools and other welfare organizations (MEC Ministries) are half price